Thursday, November 10, 2011

Update from Mom

Still not up for writing much... Mom wrote this (pretty accurate, with small modifications):


This is to let you know that Matthew's latest MRI on October 31 was not very good. It appears the tumor is growing. Matt has begun a new, more aggressive course of chemotherapy. He is hanging in there and handling the situation pretty well[ish], although he is very tired and sleeps most of the time. We know you care and want to share your feelings with him, but are asking that you please not try to contact him (not even through email or voice mail). The situation is overwhelming enough for him and he does not want to talk about it at this time. He will let you know when he's ready to communicate.

Thank you for understanding and for all your thoughts and prayers.

My take:

Things have sucked since Oct. 1... I'm not really the same person I wish I was. I'm still going I guess... I've accepted this is part of being human. Tough road ahead of me... hopefully something fun next update