Saturday, July 16, 2011

Excerpt from 90 Minutes in Heaven, by Don Piper, a must read in my opinion

"Despite my own perceptions, friends and church members say they received encouragement by watching me as I progressed from a totally helpless state and gradually moved toward a fairly normal lifestyle. A number of individuals have said to me in the midst of their own difficult times "If you could go through all you endured, I can go through this."
"I'm glad they've been heartened by my example, but I've had a great deal of difficulty accepting myself as a source of inspiration and courage. I don't know how to cope with their admiration and praise, because I didn't do anything. I wanted to die. How uplifting can that be?
"When people tell me how inspiring I've been, I don't argue with them, of course, but I remember only too well the time David Gentiles told me that he and others would pray me back to health. I lived because others wouldn't let me die. Those praying friends are the ones who deserve the admiration.
"Most of the time when people have that if-you-can-do-it attitude, I nod, acknowledge what they're saying, and add, "I'm just doing the best I can." And really that's all I did during the worst days. Sometimes "the best I can" was nothing but to endure."

I can relate to Mr. Piper through most of this excerpt and more or less throughout a good majority of this book (though I haven't yet finished it, I found this section to be particularly accurate. I'm just doing what I have to. I'm not quite sure what makes me an inspiration. I suppose it may be that I handle it quietly and with humility (I'm not sure that's really the word I'm looking for...). However, I simply am thankful for all the prayers and support and for the amazing medical staff that God has sent to me, no matter what the end result may be. I suppose I've accepted that at some point I will no doubt die, but I will continue to do everything I'm doing and to accept the help from others until the time that I'm no longer needed. For me, the inspiration is you all and by no means myself. But no doubt that is a matter of perspective from where I'm sitting vs. where you are. All I can suggest is to do what you have to, accept that we all have our "burdens", our "crosses to carry", and to endure and be thankful for what we've been given. And I am absolutely thankful for all of you, my inspirations.
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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Update from Doc Post-MRI

On Wednesday, there was a conference held by a group of Physicians to discuss my case (among other patients' cases as well I'd assume... I'm not that self-centered as much as I try to be). With his permission, and for lack of a better way to explain the results (though I will try to elaborate), I am posting the email I received from my Oncologist last night:

Hi Matt,

I have pasted in results below, and some representative pics.
Basically, the main area of concern (oval area of new enhancement) appears stable. There are two new areas of linear enhancement without obvious tissue destruction. This may represent just a change in the blood brain barrier rather than significant tissue injury. Pictures 1 and 2 are two ways of looking at same thing. This would qualify as a radiation effect rather than significant radiation damage. nobody at today's conference felt there was any evidence of tumor progression. The FLAIR signal abnormality [generally the white stuff you see in the pictures] that had defined the tumor looks very stable.

So, bottom line, no further injury to brain, and hopefully combination of Trental + steroids + HBO + time is preventing further damage. There was no significant edema, and may be reasonable to talk about slowly dialing down steroids.


Basically, this is neutral news at worst and fantastic news at best. The "area of concern" has not made any significant changes and I am improving symptomatically for the most part, which are both excellent. As I continue to do my daily OT exercises and morning trots with my mom and/or Gambit (my dog if you didn't know his name), everything strength-wise is getting better and I am gaining more coordination. Overall, I'm doing very well as expected physically. It's still a bit of a mental struggle as I'm trying to diet a bit to fight the steroid weight gain (everything tastes amazing unfortunately and my appetite is, to say the least, relentless), and it's obviously a battle of patience as well. I'm working on getting some new pictures up so that you can get a look at the HBO chamber, among a couple others. Life is treating me well. Again, I want to extend a warm congratulations to a few of my good friends and their families for recent excellent news of beating their cancers (couple prostate surgeries and breast cancer with no surgery). I will be visiting my Radiation Oncologist and Neurologist in about a week, so perhaps I will receive more news then. 34 HBO treatments down! Go me!

I know I recently removed a bunch of people from my facebook account, which consequently resulted in their loss to access when I post an update (I know for certain there were a few of you... again I had to do that for personal reasons). Please (anybody who has read this and/or stumbled upon it), send your email address to and I'll be sure to get you on my mailing list for when I send out updates! This is also the email address to send any relevant questions, which I will then share with the blog.

Again, keep in mind that the second annual Walk Ahead for a Brain Tumor Cure will be on Oct. 2. It is a 5k which you can walk/run/wheelchair and promises to be an enjoyable experience. I plan to make Matt's Matter Matters T-shirts again this year, so let me know if you are interested in having one... I'll assume anyone who joins my team once I can get it set up (they aren't ready for me yet) wants a shirt (I'll need sizes of course).

If you wish to make an early donation to the team, checks can be mailed to the following:

The Brain Tumor Cancer Fund in honor of Matt Korfhagen at Walk Ahead BTC Fund
c/o UC Neuroscience Institute
P.O. Box 670570
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0570

(reference Matt's Matter Matters in the memo line of your check)


If you'd like once I've got my team set up you may donate then.

Also, I am very grateful for my Uncle and his future wife (my future aunt of course) for requesting that donations be sent to this cause in lieu of receiving wedding gifts, as well as to raise funds for Alzheimer's (there is a 5k for that on Oct. 1 if you prefer, or would be so kind as to donate to both causes. The Alzheimer's instructions are below:

The Alzheimer's Association in honor of Ruth Lehrter at


The Alzheimer's Association
Greater Cincinnati Chapter
644 Linn Street, Suite 1026
Cincinnati, OH 45203

Any donations to either of those causes would be very graciously appreciated and I am so thankful for all the support you have all provided to my family and myself. You are amazing.