Saturday, July 16, 2011

Excerpt from 90 Minutes in Heaven, by Don Piper, a must read in my opinion

"Despite my own perceptions, friends and church members say they received encouragement by watching me as I progressed from a totally helpless state and gradually moved toward a fairly normal lifestyle. A number of individuals have said to me in the midst of their own difficult times "If you could go through all you endured, I can go through this."
"I'm glad they've been heartened by my example, but I've had a great deal of difficulty accepting myself as a source of inspiration and courage. I don't know how to cope with their admiration and praise, because I didn't do anything. I wanted to die. How uplifting can that be?
"When people tell me how inspiring I've been, I don't argue with them, of course, but I remember only too well the time David Gentiles told me that he and others would pray me back to health. I lived because others wouldn't let me die. Those praying friends are the ones who deserve the admiration.
"Most of the time when people have that if-you-can-do-it attitude, I nod, acknowledge what they're saying, and add, "I'm just doing the best I can." And really that's all I did during the worst days. Sometimes "the best I can" was nothing but to endure."

I can relate to Mr. Piper through most of this excerpt and more or less throughout a good majority of this book (though I haven't yet finished it, I found this section to be particularly accurate. I'm just doing what I have to. I'm not quite sure what makes me an inspiration. I suppose it may be that I handle it quietly and with humility (I'm not sure that's really the word I'm looking for...). However, I simply am thankful for all the prayers and support and for the amazing medical staff that God has sent to me, no matter what the end result may be. I suppose I've accepted that at some point I will no doubt die, but I will continue to do everything I'm doing and to accept the help from others until the time that I'm no longer needed. For me, the inspiration is you all and by no means myself. But no doubt that is a matter of perspective from where I'm sitting vs. where you are. All I can suggest is to do what you have to, accept that we all have our "burdens", our "crosses to carry", and to endure and be thankful for what we've been given. And I am absolutely thankful for all of you, my inspirations.
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  1. Matt,
    You have inspired me and continue to do so. My family and men's prayer group praying for you. And your family. We medical folks are just servants to Him.
    Dr. Pat

  2. Miss seeing you. Maybe next time Jake's home. Love, Linda
