Tuesday, February 15, 2011

VERY quick update

It's been a long long day, super tired.

Got my very last treatment of Avastin today, so we're down to one treatment to finish (even though I've already kind of finished it once during this time). To answer the most common question: what's next? I don't know. One day at a time is about as much as I can handle. I'll continue to see a bunch of doctors over the next few months... mostly specialists of some sort. First MRI is sometime in March, but it won't reveal much of anything because of swelling, but at least will give an idea of how much swelling and what areas of the brain got hit by the therapy, next MRI is sometime in May-ish, which still might not be enough time to clear up the scan enough for a better view. I started Occupational Therapy with my old buddy at Tri-Health P.R.O.S. who helped get me to the point I was at before I relapsed in May (I was getting very strong and fit... damn you steroids for making me fat...ish). Seems we may have a bit harder work to do this time; I'll be getting botox in a couple weeks to weaken my flexor muscles in my left wrist, which will ideally allow me to open up my hand more by strenthening the extensor muscles (super tight tendons sorta thing). But again, everything is based on how I feel each day. No clue about vacations, returning to school, etc... not even thinking about it... focused totally on getting strength and energy back, trying to eat healthy... who knows. Anyhow, I'm exhausted. I'll try to write more tomorrow (This doesn't qualify as VERY quick by the way... I ended up rambling, pretty standard).

Hope you're all doing well!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, Matt. Been thinking about you a lot lately. Sounds like a pretty reasonable plan for easing out of the agressive treatment and into rehab/recovery. Got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for ya. Now about the Botox. If you would care to save a few of those injections for me, I've got a class reunion coming up -- might wanna do my frown lines... =)
